©Cassio Crow
Olá, hello, moien, salut, hola, salam
Rafaela Bermond is a Brazilian visual artist, residing in Luxembourg. Graduated with a double degree in Visual Arts and Art Teaching from the State University of Campinas, Brazil (2016 - 2022). She considers herself an instrument of art in motion, without labels, and limits. She is a photographer, illustrator, art educator, and producer manager.
For her to achieve the impossible will take a little more time, but not much. She is independent, intuitive, and creative yet efficient, recognizing her value and the validity of her inspiration. From pioneering research in art and technology to the release of a children's illustration book, Caetano e o Gato, to help children understand the concept of death and the loss of close ones.
She has a strong desire for her art to be put into practice and used by others. The artist fits in and at the same time goes beyond the limits of the society of the spectacle. She questions her certainties and creates projects that invite reflection and provoke sensations and feelings. Her works call for the spectator’s presence and non-alienation in the postmodern, standardized, and labeled world.
My History
Ever since I can remember I paint. My mom was an art teacher and I used to go with her to every class she would give. I was also accompanying her in her oil painting classes. Even with the university, a lot of what I know came from my childhood. With time, I developed a good relation with art, to use it in a very creative way. In 2016 I was invited by a center of psychological treatment for kids to give art classes. Since then I never stopped teaching art. During Covid-19 pandemic I discovered that even by distance we can teach and exchange. In 2023 I started my residency in Hariko, an art center from the Croix-Rouge, giving classes weekly and also making mediation visits in exhibition from schools in Rotondes.
I agree with Bell Hooks that teaching is a form of freedom, so this is how I spread freedom in the world.
Exhibition from the kids of the CAPSij - Centro de Atendimento Psico-Social infanto juvenil, Sumaré (BR)
2016 - 2021 Bachelor Degree in Visual Arts, State University of Campinas, Campinas (BR)
2016 - 2021 Licenciate Degree in Visual Arts, State University of Campinas, Campinas (BR)
2020 Administrative Management, Virtual University of the State of São Paulo, UNIVESP, São Paulo (BR)
2019 - 2020 Exchange course in Audiovisual Studies and Cultural Studies, Carlos III University of Madrid, Madrid (ES)
2022 Hariko, Red Croix Luxembourgeoise, Ettelbruck (LU)
2021 Fotografia oculta: Fotografia de raio-x como obra de arte. 2021. 1recurso online (51p.) Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação) - Available in: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12733/4726.
2021 Unseen photography: X-ray photography as artworks. 2021. 1 recurso online (50p.) Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação) -
Available in: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12733/4729
2023 Illustration workshops for young people (15 - 26years), Hariko, Ettelbruck (LU)
2020 Lecture via Google Meet, Graduate - addressing artistic trajectory, importance and recognition of the value and mediation in intercultural arts, Graduate - AV038 - Research and teaching of art in plural contexts, Institute of Arts, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP (BR)
2018 Pin-Holes Workshop for teenagers - 18th Edition of the Unicamp Arts Institute Festival - FEIA (BR)
Other Experience
2023 Assistance producer and mediation Flip Off, Rotondes, Luxembourg (LU)
2022 Assistance producer LEAP22, Rotondes, Luxembourg (LU)
2019 - 2020 Receptionist at hostel 2060 Newton, Madrid (ES)
2017 - 2019 Assistant at the Digital and Analog Photography Laboratory at the Department of Arts, State University of Campinas, Campinas (BR)
2017 Executive support, II Unified Exhibition of the Institute of Arts, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas (BR)
2018 Monitoring of the PAD Didactic Support Program, discipline of Creative Processes in Photography, Prof. Dr. Filipe de Mattos Salles, (BR)
2017 Photographer at the XXVII Congress of ANPPOM - National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Music, at the Institute of Arts of the State University of Campinas - Unicamp, Campinas (BR)
Collective exhibitions
2023 Flip Off - Raconter les histoires autrement, Luxembourg (LU)
2022 Unseen Photography, exhibition Resilience & Insurgency - disruptive paths, Galeria do instituto de Artes - GAIA, Campinas (BR)
2019 Untitled, Bodies that Occupy, photography exhibition, Unimidia Photography Exhibition - 10th edition, Campinas (BR)
2018 Maré Alta, Concert by Pablo Contijo, Instituto de Artes, Unicamp, Campinas, (BR)
2017 Our daily cucumbers, installation, II Unified Exhibition of the Institute of Arts, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas (BR)
2017 Pin-hole photographs, exhibition II Unified Exhibition of the Institute of Arts, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas (BR)
Photography Director
2021 Lara e o Pássaro Online, theater play for kids, prized by the Program of Cultural Action PROAC/20, Coletivo Animales
2021 Q U A S E, contemporary dance, prized by the Program of Cultural Action PROAC/20, directed by Ayumi Hanada
2021 Eu não sabia que era feliz, video clipe, Trajano
Audiovisual Producer
Director of the audiovisual production team for projects prized by the Program of Cultural Action - ProAC/SP and others
Director of the audiovisual production team for projects prized by the Program of Cultural Action - ProAC/SP and others
2021 Come Se Fosse Água, directed by Rodrigo Spina
2021 Lara e o Pássaro online, production by Coletivo Animales
2020 Lara e o Pássaro, production by Coletivo Animales
2019 Animales, production by Coletivo Animales
Contemporary Dance
2021 Q U A S E, directed by Ayumi Hanada, production by Coletivo Fluxo em Redes
2019 Fluxo em Redes, directed by Ayumi Hanada, production by Coletivo Fluxo em Redes
2023 Tingá, Sabuka Vonhé production by Rafaela Bermond and Marília de Castro
2020 Sobre a mesa, Wrany, directed by Rafaela Bermond and Victor Wrany
2019 Grande ancestral, Sabuka Vonhé procution by Rafaela Bermond and Marília de Castro